Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fun Facts

Just thought I would share with you some "FUN FACTS" we have discovered about Little Miss in the brief 8 hours she has been in our home...

1. She is a Shopping Diva
2. She LOVES lipstick, and no it cannot be lip gloss, it MUST be lip stick (red)
3. She is FULL of Energy! (We are taking 50 kids hyped up on ice cream at a theme park bottled into one child, type of full)
4. She loves Dresses, tights, and high heels
5. The sparkly-er the better
6. She is very good at improvising... we forgot bubble bath so in the 10 seconds it took me to get a cup from the kitchen she had dumped 1/4 a bottle of shampoo in the tub to make bubbles! (I will give it to her, it made LOTS of bubbles)
7. She LOVES Bubbles!
8. She loves baths (45 minute baths)
9. She is attracted to ANY and ALL things SUGAR and her body turns every single gradual of that sugar into bouncing energy.
10. She LOVES to sing and talk (maybe even more then my mother, just in case you're wanting a comparison!) lol
11. She is extremely independent
and last but not least...
12. She smiles all the time (unless of course she is pouting over lip stick) and we have already fallen in love with her!

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